Full Name
Bubba Mills
Job Title
Corcoran Consulting & Coaching
Speaker Bio
Bubba Mills is the owner and CEO of Corcoran Consulting & Coaching, an international small business, mortgage, and real estate coaching company whose clients are recognized as some of the most successful and influential professionals in their respective fields. Mills is owner of REOCertification.com, which provides education to real estate agents, investors, and servicers on best practices in the REO industry. Mills was the former REO Operations Manager for Financial Asset Services, which sold between 2,000-5,000 REO properties, 10,000 BPOs, and 2,000 appraisals a month between 2007-2011. He holds seats on the Forbes Real Estate Council and Coaches Council and is an author for Scotsman Guide, Forbes Magazine, and National Mortgage Professional Magazine.
Bubba Mills