Foreclosure Lab
Loan Modifications: Tools in the Toolbox
With forbearance programs lapsing and economic uncertainty widespread, many homeowners may now be at new or returning risk of default. Join this panel of experts to discuss the ins and outs of loan mods, ensuring enforcement, and what options are on the table if borrowers begin to struggle once more.
Date & Time
Tuesday, September 20, 2022, 9:55 AM - 10:40 AM
Michelle Gilbert - Gilbert Garcia Group, P.A.
Ryan Bourgeois - Barrett, Daffin, Frappier, Turner and Engel
Michael Merritt - BOK Financial
Thomas O'Connell - Planet Home Lending, LLC
Candace Russell - Carrington
Ryan Bourgeois - Barrett, Daffin, Frappier, Turner and Engel
Michael Merritt - BOK Financial
Thomas O'Connell - Planet Home Lending, LLC
Candace Russell - Carrington